What is the Program Launch?

An Ambassador Program Launch makes a big impact in one live 3-4 hour session and helps set the tone for the program. The event reinforces the mindset of the program and opens a psychological gate to self-direction in practice.

Other then preparing and officially kicking off the program, the primary outcomes of the Launch are:

•Group initiative determination and/or planning: the participants will brainstorm and discuss potential group initiatives to take on together. 

•Self-organization of the group: Ambassadors self-nominate into leadership positions within the cohort, an executive committee and initiative leads, and any standing committees outside of the group initiatives

•Cohort bonding, which is critical to building the foundation of interpersonal support necessary to take risks, collaborate and succeed together.

Launches may be held virtually or in person (HBA travel expenses apply). The HBA will provide each program with a trained Launch Leader to facilitate and lead the launch event.

The typical Launch Agenda covers:

•Introduction from the Champions: Setting the stage for the Launch and HBA intros (10 mins)

•Breakout session: Networking/individual goals discussion (20-30 mins)

Introduction from the Executive Sponsors: Delivering the problem statement and inspiring the cohort (~20 minutes)

•Breakout session: Group initiatives ideation (~40 mins)

•Group initiatives discussion: Narrowing in on top ideas (45 mins)

•Interactive group session: Self-organization of the group and what to expect the first 45 days (40 mins)

•Launch next steps and close from Champions