Activating or Purchasing an Ambassador Program

HBA Ambassador Programs can be activated if included in an HBA Corporate Partnership or purchased by eligible HBA Corporate Partners. Please refer to the Activation Toolkit for more information to help you get started.

Click here for a quick walk-through video of how to activate/purchase an Ambassador Program.

To Activate an Ambassador program included in your Corporate Partner Package

Only designated Corporate Partnership contacts have access to activate programs included in the partnership package. The Activation Form can be found in the HBA Corporate Partner Portal under Ambassador programs. On this page, designated contacts will also find a link to a shareable version of the form should they wish to provide it to another representative of the company to complete. 

To Purchase an Ambassador Program

Representatives from eligible HBA Corporate Partner companies are eligible to purchase Ambassador Programs outside of those included in the partnership package. Please click here to access our program purchase page (note: you will need to be logged into your HBA profile to access this page). Once processed, the Activation Form will be sent to you via email with your purchase confirmation to kick off the setup process.