Executive Committee Meetings

The executive committee is the cohort’s leadership team and meets monthly (or more frequently if deemed necessary) with the HBA Advisors to drive the cohort’s progress forward. 

The group works together collaboratively to accomplish their areas of oversight, determining how each responsibility gets done throughout the course of the program, and leading without authority in their governance of the cohort overall. Like the rest of the cohort, they are self-driven, making their own decisions and doing the work necessary to achieve their goals. 

The first executive committee meeting should happen within 2-4 weeks of the Launch. During this meeting, some of the first priorities of the group are:

  • Setting up the Executive Committee meeting series moving forward, ensuring HBA Advisors are invited to all
  • Ensuring the cohort’s Group Initiatives are finalized and the team leads identified within 30 days of launch
  • Scheduling first cohort meeting (usually within 45 days of launch, if deemed necessary)
  • Identifying 1-2 members to be the direct points of contact with the HBA Program Excellence Manager, to check in at regular intervals during the program usually via quick survey. The program Champions should facilitate the connection to the PEM should they need to request a live meeting.

The executive committee must invite both of the HBA Advisors to their meetings to ensure the cohort receives the guidance and support promised by the HBA. This team is ultimately in charge, but the HBA Advisors are there to help them start up the program and guide them throughout.

Please see The role of the Executive Committee for the EC's official areas of oversight.

Reminder: HBA Advisors should be invited to all executive committee meetings to ensure adequate HBA support to the cohort.