The Ambassador Program Leadership Hub is where Champions can have quick access to important resources and access their program data, including general program details, launch and graudation dates, list of registered Ambassadors, metrics reports, and more!
Champions can access the Hub and program-specific data by following these instructions:
- Visit, log into your HBA Profile,
- Navigate to the Ambassador Program Leadership Hub on the left-hand side of your profile.
- Under the Ambassador Program Leaders section, select your Ambassador Program to view all your program data
- On your program page, you can:
- Access your program’s registration link for Ambassadors to join (top of the page), so should you find some have not officially ‘registered’ please share this link
- You can view and export your registered Program Members under Add/Edit Program Members
- Download your Ambassador Program Metrics Report
- Add company location associated with your program
- Edit general program data (for example, entering 'final' launch or graduation dates, expanding on group initiatives, etc