As the Ambassadors embark on this journey, they encounter a unique opportunity to think expansively and actively engage in the design and implementation of impactful solutions. Throughout this process, Ambassadors cultivate a diverse skill set, whic...
The Executive Committee plays a large part in the cohort's graduation festivities. See Graduation Guidance and resources for full details. ...
HBA Ambassador Program Advisors are HBA members who are experienced professional coaches and industry leaders in their careers, and HBA-trained volunteers, who are assigned to guide and support Ambassador Programs. Each program is assigned two HB...
Once you’ve identified what you’re looking for in an Ambassador, it’s time to finalize the nomination process. Below are some items to consider, along with best practice suggestions from the HBA: Who nominates or applies? Will you allow self-a...
As you begin your Ambassador journey, the HBA encourages you to start with the end in mind: what do you want to accomplish? And how will you get there? The Ambassador Program Goal Selection and Capabilities Assessment will ask you to determine wher...
Give your cohort the gift of merch! HBA branded merchandise is available for purchase via the HBA’s online store . Companies are also welcome to order promotional items via your preferred vendor with the HBA’s logo , however, all proofs must be se...
Ambassadors will be asked to select 2-3 career goals that they would like to achieve by the end of the program. The goals to select from are: 1. Increased scope: additional job responsibilities within current position 2. Achieve new ro...
The HBA Global Ambassador Program Group Initiatives represent a visionary approach to strategic problem-solving. These initiatives foster co-creation and collaboration , harnessing real-time innovation to address gaps, create mu...
Champions can access real-time metrics reporting at any time during the program. This assessment data is helpful to ensure all Ambassadors are completing their assessments and inform your cohort's developmental priorities. Accessible via the Am...
While the Executive Committee and Group Initiative teams meet independently and regularly to make progress towards their goals, most programs also opt to schedule a few cohort meetings for all Ambassadors. These meetings are planned and led by the e...