Goal Selection and Self-Assessments

At the start of the Ambassador Program, all Ambassadors will be asked to set goals and self-assess their leadership capabilities. Here are a collection of articles and resources to walk you through the process.

As you begin your Ambassador journey, the HBA encourages you to start with the end in mind: what do you want to accomplish? And how will you get there?

The Ambassador Program Goal Selection and Capabilities Assessment will ask you to determine where you want to go and identify your growth areas so you can get there faster.

You will select your goals and complete your initial self-assessment through HBA's website at the start of the program, then be invited to return and complete self-assessments of your capabilities at the middle and end of your program. 

The HBA's Leadership Capabilities framework was developed in 2014 and outlines the core actions and capabilities of leaders in the business of healthcare. The HBA's portfolio of offerings and events are mapped to this framework and Ambassadors will assess their skill levels across each capability to measure their progress. 

Ambassadors will be asked to select 2-3 career goals that they would like to achieve by the end of the program. The goals to select from are:

1. Increased scope: additional job responsibilities within current position 
2. Achieve new role: promotion or up-level opportunity gained
3. Cross-functional collaboration: successful completion of project in or with another cross-functional area
4. Personal brand: substantial expansion of sphere of influence internally and externally 
5. Executive demeanor & delivery: increased confidence and authentic, professional self-presentation necessary to support consideration for the next level of management
6. Executive support: develop senior advocates and mentors internally/ externally
7. Subject matter expertise: substantially advance knowledge and/or recognition in preferred subject-matter area
8. Increased Global Exposure: across the organization via a new role or project

At the end of the program, Ambassadors will indicate which of these goals they achieved. 

Conducting an honest self-assessment is not easy, but we will ask you to try. This is an important inflection point at the start of the program, and a true/solid assessment initial assessment will set you up for really measurable outcomes. Here is some helpful guidance to get you started assessing yourself against the HBA Leadership Capabilities:

• Take time to reflect on your skill level 

• Remain honest with yourself

• Get feedback: discuss your growth areas with your manager and trusted colleagues to help identify any blind spots

• Proactively identify your growth areas – where might you need to put some specific focus? 

You’ll complete your self-assessment via the HBA’s website a the start, middle, and end of your program.

Ambassadors will select their goals and complete their self-assessments directly on the HBA website at the start, middle, and end of the program.

To complete your assessments:

  1. Visit www.hbanet.org, log into your HBA Profile.
  2. Navigate to the Ambassador Program Participant Hub on the left-hand side of your profile. Note: this will only be accessible if you have formally registered for your cohort. This registration link can be obtained by contacting your Program Champion.
  3. Select your Ambassador Program.
  4. Scroll down to the appropriate assessment and click the red pencil to complete and enter your details.
  5. Be sure to click SAVE after completion.